Jaxson's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:
At the end of the day at school, I would look up at the smartboard and it would look blurry. I also tripped a lot, and would stub my toe on the door plate.

After Vision Therapy:
When I look at the smartboard it's not blurry anymore. I trip a little just on one crack in the side walk. I don’t stub my toe on the door plate anymore. I can catch a football better.
~Jaxson L.

Before Vision Therapy:

Jax had many complaints about his eyes seeing double at the end of the school day. He struggled catching a football, and wasn’t confident in himself.

After Vision Therapy:

He is no longer complaining about his eyes being tired at the end of the day. He has better focus when it comes to school work and reading. Jax has definitely improved with catching a football and I see a big confidence boost!

Thank you for helping my child.

~Jenni Lebrun