Before Vision Therapy:
Garrett had many struggles in school, with sports/games, and also a weak eye. He would shy away from participating in the classroom and had no interest in playing games/sports with peers. We’ve been trying to manage his weak eye with his local eye doctor and glasses; and although she did everything she could do, he still needed extra help building strength in his eye. Garrett was also very clumsy and seemed to always be getting hurt.
After Vision Therapy:
Garrett seems like a different kid with is peers! He has so much more confidence and coordination. He actually wants to participate in group activities and asks friends or his brother to play football, baseball, or golf. He enjoys sports now! We’ve noticed riding bike or scooter is no longer difficult for him. He still has his struggles in school, which is now confirmed as a diagnosed learning disability; but he has gained so much strength in his weak eye and so much confidence, it carries over into his academics and he’s not afraid to keep trying and keep working hard. He definitely has an “I can” attitude now!
~Amanda Hulstein