Ainsley's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

My eyes would not work together. One would always drift out. I would never read, because it would make my eyes tired, and I would forget what I read so easily. My eyes would get tired which would lead to headaches, itchiness, and sore eyes.

After Vision Therapy:

My eyes finally worked together and realized what they needed. My eye doesn’t drift out anymore and they aren’t sore, itchy, or get as tired anymore. I now enjoy reading knowing that I won’t forget anything.



Before Vision Therapy:

Ainsley didn’t like to read herself, she preferred to be read to, and would have trouble keeping her place. When Ainsley was tired, her eye would drift, noticeably to others. This often caused headaches and sore, itchy eyes. Ainsley had trouble playing catch, she would often be too slow or had trouble judging distance.

After Vison Therapy:

Now Ainsley loves to read, to herself and to others! She can keep her place and hold the book at an appropriate distance from her face. We no longer notice Ainsley’s eyes drifting unless she is very tired and we are looking for it. Ainsley has not complained of headaches for weeks! Ainsley has even been playing basketball with her brothers more often.

~Katie Weatherill