Before Vision Therapy:
I had headaches every day after school. I didn’t like math or reading. I didn’t want to do my homework.
After Vision Therapy:
I had no headaches! I don’t even have to wear glasses anymore. I love school and love reading, math, and history. I have more confidence. I have three new friends, Dr. Oakland, Alyssa, and Jordan.
~Kellyn R.
Before Vision Therapy:
Before VT we struggled getting Kellyn to do homework. She came home with a headache daily! She always said “I can’t…”, and wouldn’t even try new things with school. She cried at Barnes and Nobles getting her first chapter book. She had no self-confidence, hated reading and math, and school work was always a chore!
After Vision Therapy:
She is coming home from school and doing homework FIRST! She reads on her own time! She wanted THREE chapter books at Barnes and Nobles the last time! No more headaches! She even wrote a letter in school that she enjoys math! She is truly a different kid! She has more excitement about learning, which is awesome! We have seen her grow SO MUCH! VT is a game changer!
~Stacy R.
Extra from Stacy R.
Vision therapy has been a blessing for Kellyn and our family! We knew she had more potential than what we were seeing in her work and it turned out that her vision made things harder for her leading to inconsistencies, frustration, and lack of confidence! We have seen her bloom since VT!