Taya's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

At the beginning of vision therapy, I could not see the white board at school or barely anything far away. And I couldn’t keep my eye in (straight) very well. I saw double a bit before I stated vision therapy. When I was reading a book, the words would blur together.

After Vision Therapy:

I could see the board and stuff far away. I can keep my eye in (straight) all the time. I never really see double. When I read a book, the words stay.


Layla Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

My eyes got tired easily when I would read. I didn’t care for reading. It took longer to read. It was hard for me to know left and right sides.

After Vision Therapy:

My eyes don’t hurt when I read or am looking hard at things. I like to read now. I know my left and rights a lot easier now.


Before Vision Therapy:

Layla didn’t enjoy reading and would often become extremely frustrated when she did read. She had been doing alright in school; however, off and on her test scores would indicate she needed extra help with reading. We knew these test scores weren’t reflecting her true potential, so we sought out extra help for her with summer tutoring etc. eventually reaching out to CVL.

After Vision Therapy:

Layla has shown great improvement in her eye strength and her test scores had improved significantly as well. Her teacher believed one of the main reasons for improvement was in fact related to the eye therapy. We are so very proud of Layla and these results are in direct connection to the hard work and dedication she has put forth during this program. It is bittersweet to be towards the end of the program since we feel we have developed a bond with the therapist we hadn’t expected when beginning the process. One of our main goals for Layla was for her to gain confidence reading. We see this improved confidence in reading has spilled over into may other areas of her life and are forever grateful for this. We have had many moments realizing the positive impacts of vision therapy, but one that sticks out most would be when she would beg us to let her read, “Just one more page….” Now that was a powerful/emotional moment. Thank you to all that have helped and played a role in Layla’s success story.

~Nan Libengood

Kendrick's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy: When I started, I didn’t like it, but I made a decision.

After Vision Therapy: Now I like Vision Therapy. Now it is fun, I like playing the games too.


Before Vision Therapy: Kendrick hated to read. He had low test scores, double vision and his eyes were tired at night.

After Vision Therapy: Kedrick’s reading has improved immensely! His test scores have improved and he no longer complains of double vision. Vision Therapy has helped him to gain confidence in school and enjoy it more.

~Laura Jacobsma

Stella's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

I was not confident in school or while playing sports. I was starting 1st grade and was unable to read.

After Vision Therapy:

After completing therapy, I am much more confident in school and sports. I am now able to read.



Before Vision Therapy:

Stella was struggling in school. She had just begun 1st grade and was still having difficulty with naming letters and was unable to read. She participated in dance and soccer. Although she loved these activities, they were difficult for her as she lacked hand/eye coordination.

After Vision Therapy:

She has much more confidence in everything she does. We are no longer battling homework. She is able to read short books. In dance and soccer, she is much more coordinated. Vision Therapy is something that is going to help her the rest of her life. We are very thankful for Dr. Oakland and Sue.

~Amy Dix

Rylee's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

Rylee started coming home from school with headaches every single day. Thinking she potentially needed glasses- we headed to the eye doctor which quickly identified she was having double vision and her words were moving on the page for her. We then noticed that she was saying “I can’t” before even trying things.

After Vision Therapy:

We have not had any issues with headaches at all! He schoolwork has accelerated tremendously! Her reading speed is well beyond first grade level. Her skills with dance have also improved! She is so much happier now and so ready for each day! Sue was absolutely amazing and we are so grateful for all her help!

~Ashton Benson

Beckham's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

I felt frustrated when I tried to focus, my eyes hurt really bad, I was getting headaches, and reading was not fun.

After Vision Therapy:

I am able to focus, I am not having headaches, and my eyes do not hurt. I am loving reading!


Before Vision Therapy:

Before we started coming to the Center for Visual Learning my son was struggling with headaches, blurred vision, writing went uphill, he was seeing double, was not able to focus/track very well and most of all his confidence to read was not there.

After Vision Therapy:

My son’s confidence sky rocketed, he is able to read so much better, his writing has improved tremendously and his headaches and blurred vision are pretty much gone. Doing homework has become so much easier and he is now enjoying reading for the first time. We have enjoyed our time here with Sue and Dr. Oakland. We are very satisfied with the results.

~Emily Gillen

Kayla's Back!!

Before Vision Therapy:

I was feeling very lost. I had gotten in a car accident that left me with unbearable headaches. I tried multiple doctors, oils, etc. Nothing seemed to work. My sight was blurry, I wasn't able to look at my phone, computer or books for long periods of time. I couldn't do yoga and my daily life was affected. I slept A LOT! I simply just wanted to stay in bed.

After Vision Therapy:

I now wake up with a clear head; no headaches and I'm back to doing things I enjoy! I'm able to go to yoga, read without falling asleep, getting dizzy, my balance is back and overall don't have the headaches. I feel as I did before my accident and I feel like I'm back to my routine and normal-self!

Hugh's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

I had trouble writing directly from the board. I found it hard to play sports with my friends, or even find the courage to play sports with my friends. I would always get confused on problems because I would find myself not reading the whole problem.

After Vision Therapy:

I feel a lot better copying the teachers board. I read the whole problem or equation before working. I really like math. I now like to play sports and can get up the courage to play with my friends. However, I still like to do indoor activities too.


Before Vision Therapy:

Hugh came to Vision Therapy at the beginning of fourth grade. He was a good reader, and enjoyed it. But he had trouble taking notes form the board. Often, when doing worksheets, he would put his answer on the wrong part of the page. These issues contributed to a lack of motivation and reluctance to do school work.

After Vision Therapy:

Now Hugh is able to take notes in class. He never writes his answers in the wrong place. He says Vision Therapy really helped him be motivated to do his math work. He is much more motivated to do his homework. There is less drama. Sue was such a positive influence on Hugh. It was a great experience and something that will benefit him the rest of his life. I am going to miss doing Vision homework with Hugh.

~Bryson Patterson

Mya's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

Before I started vision therapy I had a lot of headaches and was really tired. I could not focus in school and when I would read it would be blurry. I also wasn’t doing very good in basketball. I couldn’t ever make baskets or catch the ball and it was hard for me to know where I was.

After Vision Therapy:

After vision therapy I no longer have headaches when I read and it isn’t blurry anymore. When I shoot in basketball I make them and when someone passes the ball to me I catch it. I can focus more in school and I’m not tired anymore.


Before Vision Therapy:

Mya was struggling to focus on reading, other school work, and even seeing the front board at school. She complained of headaches daily and struggled to focus with her eyes. Mya always had a hard time catching balls and making baskets as well. When she wasn't able to make a basket in her games we realized this too was more than likely an eye situation.

After Vision Therapy:

After only a few sessions of therapy we could tell this was going to truly change her vision/life! She stopped complaining of headaches, began to enjoy reading and was showing great success in being able to focus her eyes together. We weren't sure how long she would need to continue therapy but to all of our surprise and hard work Mya completed the program in 6 short months. she is a happier kid making baskets in her fames, reading with no hesitation and showing growth every day thanks to vision therapy!

~Deidra Ritter

Lane's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

My words used to double. I would lose my spot while reading and copying from the board, and on homework. It was also hard to remember what I was reading so I would have to read it over and over again until I got it.

After Vision Therapy:

My grades improved; it was easier to make them better. My words do not double anymore which makes it easier to do my work, my reading, and my grades got better because I could remember what I read.


Vivienne's Success Story

Before Vision Therapy:

I cant see the board, and the white board letters are blurry. I can see two pages, I want to see one. I cant catch the ball, I want to catch the ball.

After Vision Therapy:

I can see the white board the letters aren't blurry anymore. I can see one page now. the words aren't blurry anymore. I can catch the ball now I couldn't before, but I can now!!!


Before Vision Therapy:

Vivienne had struggled with a "wandering eye" from the time she was about three years old. We began by utilizing the patch technique with little improvement to trying glasses at the age of six. The glasses made Vivienne self-conscious and it was difficult to get her to wear them constantly. Her next eye appointment it was now both eyes not working together. When it was time to read Vivienne immediately stated, "I can't" before even trying. Reading was painfully slow at the age of eight and skipping words was frequent. At school she couldn't read the white board. What stuck out to me most was the fact that she couldn't catch a ball and it had nothing to do with not being athletic but the result of her eyes not being able to work properly together to catch it.

After Vision Therapy:

We are forever grateful for Sue's caring heart and knowledge, and Dr. Oakland! Post therapy Vivienne is most definitely in control of the movement of her eyes! While reading she can now separate words including the smaller ones she previously excluded completely. Just a couple weeks into therapy I never heard her complain of not being able to read the white board again. Her reading fluency and writing has exploded. she can be found frequently writing me notes now and never did before. The confidence growth has been worth the commitment alone. Viv was so self conscious of her inability to read well before and now she wants to read to me. Watching Viv catch a ball is the icing on the cake as its something I was clueless to even being a consequence of her lack of strength in her eyes.

~Samantha Nelson